NEW! Open Letter to PoachersWhat is Wilderness Watch?The Wilderness Watch Program is designed to assist federal and provincial resource enforcement agencies in their protection of our natural environment and its inhabitants. Under the auspices of these enforcement agencies, volunteer Wilderness Watch participants patrol rural "problem areas - within their region to observe, report and record infractions of environmental legislation. (eg. fish or wildlife poaching. ; pollution, vandalism, etc.). Wilderness Watch members have no powers ' to confront or apprehend violators beyond those of any other citizen. : Rather, they are the extra eyes and ears so desperately needed by understaffed and under funded resource agencies. How does the program work? Under the supervision of a Wilderness Watch co-coordinator who is selected by participants, a minimum of two members conduct periodic patrols of designated areas in, or in close proximity to, their community: either in response to a specific request by One or more enforcement agencies or in a pre-arranged pattern determined by the co - coordinator(s) in cooperation with agency representatives. While on patrol, Wilderness Watch members visit areas used for hunting, fishing, hiking, and other outdoor recreational activities; All motor vehicles within these areas are approached and, if a vehicle is occupied, assistance is offered, specific information is provided if requested, the purpose of the Wilderness Watch Program is explained " and the occupants are encouraged to report any unusual activities to the R.C.M.P., a Conservation Officer or a Wilderness Watch member. They are also provided with the toll free Observe, Record and Report telephone number.
If you would like to know more about or Wilderness Program or come in contact with members responsible for Valley Fish and Game Clubs Wilderness program please contact via email Denis Martel |
Click here for step by step Directions, Contact Information: Postal address: 6190 Mayo RD, PO Box 924, Lake Cowichan, BC, VOR 2G0, Canada Electronic mail: General Information, For members only: Access to Valley Fish And Game Webmail accounts Send email to
Webmaster1@valleyfishandgame.com with
questions or comments about this web site.